– Jennifer Bolusan, Medical Assistant
Into the office we went,
Anxious, years of not knowing why, why, why can’t we have a child?
A family tree barren, is there hope?
Vitals taken, heart racing, questions & I answer with replies.
Then, we speak to the Doctor…
Diminished they say, stats, percentages, a blurred moment; however, there is a SEED of hope.
We need just need assistance with growing, that’s all…IVF is how.
Shots to the belly, be consistent, be positive, remember to take your aspirin and vitamins they say.
Grow your seeds, until they are ready to be sowed…
I close my eyes, and imagine our seeds growing…
My other half collects so that they may fertilize the young seeds, next incubate for a bit.
Our seeds call the IVF lab home, temporarily…
Full bladder, and medications to relax me, I am ready-implant the SEED so that it may grow.
My womb is ready, the lining is just right…
Patiently, we wait for the blood test.
Should I cheat with a home pregnancy test?
No…I curb my excitement, after all it’s best to wait.
Like a drum roll the case manager and doctor’s words reverberate in slow motion,
“Congratulations, you’re pregnant!”
Our seedling is here, overjoyed…
Cautiously, I am hesitant to be happy, for I expect the worse.
Remain calm, have Faith is my mantra…
Back at the office for the first check. Scanning all around, waiting, being positive, and keeping the faith.
A flicker of hope flashed on the machine, a glimmer of our SEED of hope.
Dare is say, I am thrilled beyond imagination.
Grow, grow, young seedling…
We are here again, our final ultrasound here…
I’ll miss this place, but I am ready to graduate.
Little movements, a strong heartbeat, echoing my little SEED’s heart.
Love for our seed, replaces despair.
It’s amazing how the biggest things have the smallest beginnings….
A seed of HOPE.

Breaking Barriers, Building Families
Since 1983, we have pioneered fertility treatment for every kind of family. We want to help you achieve your dream of having a baby.
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