Almost 1,000 Locals Gather to Celebrate Their “Miracle Children”


After losing both children to a drunk driver, a local couple celebrates their new daughter along with 1,000 others at family day with Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area

San Francisco East Bay, CA (August 1, 2012) – On Family Day this coming August 19th, Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area is celebrating the success of new beginnings for nearly 1,000 people.  Family Day will also spotlight the moving and remarkable success of one family in particular.

In October 2003, Carmen Pack was taking a walk with her children Alana, 7 and Troy, 10, when a drunk driver swerved across the road, killing both children. The immense pain, trauma and loss she endured was devastating. But above all, she wanted to become a mother again.

At age 44, her low ovarian reserve wouldn’t allow for a pregnancy. An egg donor would be necessary. Her niece, Pamela, offered to help Carmen and become her egg donor. Eggs retrieved from Pamela were then fertilized with Carmen’s husband’s sperm.

After a transfer of two embryos, Carmen was the hopeful mother-to-be for two twin boys. But the drunk driver trial proved too stressful for her body to endure, and she tragically lost both boys nearing her sixth month of pregnancy.

“I was put on this earth to be a mother, and I had a lot missing after my children were taken from me,” Carmen explains. “I knew I couldn’t give up until I was a mother again.”

On May 29, 2006, Carmen’s dream came true with the birth of Noelle. Now age six, Carmen and Bob treasure every minute with Noelle.

Their physician, Dr. Louis Weckstein of Reproductive Science Center, took a personal interest in working with Carmen and Bob.

“After the devastation they had been through, I wanted to give them hope,” Dr. Weckstein explains. “I told her we wouldn’t stop until we had succeeded.”

Carmen and Bob will join hundreds of other couples on August 19th for Family Day with Reproductive Science Center. Family Day is a celebration centered around families overcoming infertility struggles and having a baby.

Family Day Event Information:

Who: Nearly 1,000 new babies, former patients, fertility doctors and happy families. Approximately 400 children ages 1-12 years old will be in attendance.

What: A patient reunion to have fun and celebrate their families. There will be nearly 20 different fun activities for adults and children to enjoy.

Where: Little Hills Ranch San Ramon, CA

When: Sunday, August 19th 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.

By invitation only families will enjoy fun-filled activities, lunch, and the company of other like-minded couples. RSC doctors and staff will be in attendance to celebrate their patients’ success.


Reproductive Science Center

Established in 1983, two years after the first successful birth through in vitro fertilization (IVF) in the U.S., Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area was responsible for the nation’s second successful birth of a baby from a frozen embryo. Today RSC is recognized for its pregnancy rates and work with egg donors and egg recipients from Northern California, the U.S., Asia, India and from around the world. RSC is a trusted destination for patients pursuing medical tourism. For more information, please visit

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