Fertility Clinic Debuts New Facility — And New Air
onBy Blanca Torres – RSCBA focused on building out a space that would not only accommodate a growing practice, but also house a sophisticated air purification system for the lab.
By Blanca Torres – RSCBA focused on building out a space that would not only accommodate a growing practice, but also house a sophisticated air purification system for the lab.
As it nears my daughter’s first birthday, I can only be reminded of the hardship I endured to reach this milestone. She is the blessing and gift I never thought I would have in my life.
Right from the start I felt comfortable, as though I knew I would be in good hands. Dr. Rosenbluth spent time discussing procedures, explaining techniques and options with us.
Dear Fertility Doctor, here are some things I wish you knew, that I couldn’t say when we met three years ago. One RSC Bay Area patient discusses the truth about infertility and visiting what goes through a patient’s head while visiting a fertility specialist.
“It still startles me that people make babies with sex. Privately. Easily. Fast. Strange as it sounds, I feel more changed by the trials of infertility than by the transition to parenting.”
We’re obligated to our patients to pursue all avenues for in vitro fertilization and our investment in air quality is part of that mission.
We discuss the claims, side effects and cautions of taking Chastetree, a fruit that has been used for centuries for a number of female reproductive conditions including infertility.
By Fertility Authority – PCOS affects about 5 to 10 percent of women of reproductive age. Dr. Deborah Wachs answers fertility patients’ questions about PCOS.
Knowing what you are taking is important for you health and safety. Compile a list of current prescription medications, vitamins, supplements and herbal preparations for yourself and future physician consults.
Many times patient’s ask why we as Fertility specialists can’t find a reason for their lack of success. Genetic factors, lifestyle and age are just a few influences for successful pregnancy.