Author: Dr. Mary Hinckley

About the Author: Dr. Mary Hinckley

Dr. Mary Hinckley | Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area Fertility SpecialistDr. Hinckley is a board certified Reproductive Endocrinologist who completed her training at Stanford University Medical Center. She says her greatest joy is helping patients to realize their dreams in creating a family, but she also enjoys participation in clinical and laboratory studies. She has extensively published articles in peer-reviewed journals on blastocyst transfer, avoiding triplet pregnancies, monozygotic twinning, operative hysteroscopy, correction of uterine anomalies, and biochemical pathways involved in ovulation and fertilization. She serves as a member of the Society for Reproductive Endocrinologists, the Christian Medical and Dental Society and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine. Her areas of interest include laparoscopic surgery, premature ovarian failure, oocyte freezing, and recurrent pregnancy loss.
Get to Know Dr. Hinckley

Oocyte Efficiency


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – One of the hardest things to explain to patients is why human beings are such inefficient reproducers. It just seems logical that one follicle should produce one egg which ultimately makes one embryo and one healthy baby. But unfortunately this is not reality.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening for Abnormal Embryos


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – While the human body is very good at “screening” embryos – abnormal embryos will most often fail to implant and grow – new technology provides reproductive specialists further insight as to why an embryo doesn’t result in a healthy baby.

Donor Egg Bank Brings Double Success


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – She walked out of our office smiling, looking at her admiring husband with a bit of “we can handle this together”. She was glowing that glow you get from being pregnant and dreaming of the future.

Infertility Counselors


By Dr. Mary Hinckley & Amoreena Berg, MFT – “Keeping it all together” was her challenge. We immediately put her in touch with a counselor, who gave her one-on-one support and even offered group counseling. This made all the difference.

Krispy Kreme Donuts


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – The Krispy Kreme Donut Factory: I often use this analogy when explaining ovarian function to patients.

What Did They Do To My Cervix?


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – It is important for you to know what was done to your cervix. Some treatments may cause problems or damage to the cervix that could translate into infertility or premature delivery.