What’s all the fuss about HCG tests?
onRSC Bay Area’s Dr. Mary Hinckley shares the importance of testing for the hormone produced by the placenta known as HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin.
RSC Bay Area’s Dr. Mary Hinckley shares the importance of testing for the hormone produced by the placenta known as HCG, or human chorionic gonadotropin.
By Dr. Mary Hinckley – What matters to patients is the ability to diagnose a problem, to correctly stimulate a patient, to retrieve the eggs, handle the embryos, and transfer them back safely into a uterus.
Mary Hinckley, MD, answers your questions about infertility.
Mary Hinckley, MD, answers your questions about age and infertility.
Mary Hinckley, MD, answers your questions about unused embryos.
Mary Hinckley, MD, answers your questions about IVF and egg donors.