Try to find ten minutes for yourself each day. Just ten minutes to be quiet. Just ten minutes to close your eyes. Just ten minutes to think about nothing but your breathing. Just ten minutes to slow down and give yourself a break.
It should be an easy thing to do, but we’re not always so good at doing something that may feel self indulgent. I mean really, ten minutes to do nothing! You could get a load of laundry in, or do some filing from that stack on the corner of your desk, or check your emails.
Finding ten minutes just for you won’t fix anything; it won’t get the laundry or filing done. But finding ten minutes for yourself is a gift only you can give. Everything else will still be there waiting for you in ten minutes. But just maybe you’ll feel that those ten minutes were ten minutes well spent in your otherwise busy day and that it felt good to both give and receive!

Breaking Barriers, Building Families
Since 1983, we have pioneered fertility treatment for every kind of family. We want to help you achieve your dream of having a baby.
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