Sharing our commitment at RSC for National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) 2022
NIAW: April 24-30, 2022
National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) is fertility medicine’s World Cup/Bachelorette Finale/Super Bowl/Oscars/Olympics all rolled into one week. With us, it’s typically an event-full week, including a trivia and photo contest for our staff and an infertility awareness quiz for you (below).
Each year infertility awareness gets its own week, but it’s a year-round thing with us. All of us at RSC are inspired by the many people who seek our assistance in helping them have a family. Whether couples or individuals facing infertility or LGBTQIA people who come to us for reproductive services, their resolve drives us each day.
Follow Reproductive Science Center and post your own infertility awareness info on social media using the #RSCBayArea, #NIAW2022 and #WeCanAll hashtags.
NIAW 2022 patient activities
- All of our locations will be raffling off $150 Hello Fresh Gift Certificates.
NIAW 2022 staff activities
- The team will wear orange to work.
- Lunch provided on Wednesday and breakfast provided on Friday at all locations.
- RSC themed gifts including NIAW beanies.
- Chocolate truffles on Tuesday.
- Trivia and crossword games.
- Winners will be entered in a raffle for a chance to win home theater projector.
- Heart on-the-go contest.
- Check out one of the large Orange Hearts for the night and take creative pictures with it. The top three most creative staff photos will win gift cards!
- Location participation.
- The location with the highest percentage of employees participating in social media posts/heart on-the-go contest will win a catered lunch.
- Movie night gift boxes.
Infertility awareness, not myths & misinformation
National Infertility Awareness Week was initiated by RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association to get the right information out about infertility.
NIAW slogan: Empowering you and changing the conversation
More at
What our patients want you to know
Kristina Nickerson wants you to know infertility isn’t something you can plan for, but you shouldn’t lose hope.
Another patient, who chose to remain anonymous, wants to remind others that they are not alone on their fertility journey.
“Some days don’t seem so promising, but the best part is that most of those feelings do pass and the light at the end of the tunnel vaguely peeps through. I have found some true resilience in the members of this infamous club of infertility and while the hope of having a family in the near future ebbs and flows throughout the day, somehow, it’s never lost. There is always a member of this club who will lend an ear and share a ‘you’re not alone’ story.” – RSCBA Patient
Infertility awareness quiz

Let’s have a little fun with infertility facts. See how many out of 10 you get right (no Googling!).
- What does ICSI stand for?
- Who was the world’s first “test tube” baby?
- Why is orange the color for NIAW?
- Is a gestational carrier genetically related to the child she delivers?
- A special diet can help women naturally produce more eggs: true or false?
- According to the CDC, about __% of men of reproductive age in the U.S. have experienced fertility problems.
- According to the CDC, about __% of women of reproductive age in the U.S. have experienced fertility problems.
- What does eSET stand for?
- According to the American Society for Reproductive Medicine, about what percent of infertility cases are diagnosed as “unexplained infertility” (meaning no specific cause has been identified)?
- Who is RSC’s laboratory director?
- Intracytoplasmic sperm injection
- Louise Joy Brown
- Since ancient times, the color orange has been used to symbolize fertility
- No
- False
- 9%
- 11%
- Elective single embryo transfer
- About 20%
- Dr. Oleksii Barash
Read past blogs on NIAW
Alone in my office, I let out a small yelp. Then a loud “Yes!” An NIAW post about a spectacular HCG result.
Be part of the infertility movement! Any way you can raise awareness will help increase public understanding about the disease of infertility.
From tears to a fertility clinic full of hugs and smiles. How our andrologist became acutely aware of infertility’s complex emotional journey.
#HaveAHeart & #StartAsking. For many, the struggle with infertility is invisible, and we want them to know that it does not have to be. NIAW 2016 blog.
Into the office we went, anxious, years of not knowing why, why, why can’t we have a child? From A Seed of Hope poem, commemorating NIAW.
There have been many nights, as I lie in bed unable to sleep, that I think of my patients. “I share your tears, I share your joy, you are not alone.” From our 2015 NIAW blog.
“I have relied on my heart to guide my way and I encourage our patients to do the same.” Our medical assistant shares her story of the difficulty having her third child.
Usted No Está Sola. Miembro del personal RSCBA ofrece palabras de apoyo para los pacientes hispanos en honor a la Semana Nacional de Concientización sobre la infertilidad.
“One day soon, I too, can be a proud parent within the RSC family, and so can you.” A staff member learns about the financial options that can open the door to motherhood for her.
A case manager in an infertility clinic knew the ins and outs of fertility, but could not believe this was happening to her. Dr. Mary Hinckley’s optimism helped her through it.
“Our heart breaks a little when our patients’ do, although professionalism prevents us from displaying much emotion.” Why Have A Heart is a potent phrase for those in fertility medicine.

Breaking Barriers, Building Families
Since 1983, we have pioneered fertility treatment for every kind of family. We want to help you achieve your dream of having a baby.
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