IVF & Fertility Treatment

Is AMH the New FSH?


AMH is a hormone studied for many years but only recently has been commercially available. AMH is useful in assessing how many eggs are in the ovaries.

It’s About Time!


It was 1978 and my neighbor told me the story of Louise Brown, the first IVF baby born. Recently, the Nobel Prize was awarded to British biologist Robert Edwards, PhD for his pioneering work developing IVF.

The 10,000 Hour Rule In Infertility


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – What matters to patients is the ability to diagnose a problem, to correctly stimulate a patient, to retrieve the eggs, handle the embryos, and transfer them back safely into a uterus.

What is an HSG?


By Dr. Deborah Wachs – I was performing HSGs last week and noticed a recurring theme: extreme anxiety! I wanted to take this opportunity to discuss the HSG test and what it involves.

Google… Baby


I watched a documentary about IVF and gestational surrogacy in India. There were a few things worthy of commenting on, both from the surrogacy standpoint as well as from the IVF overseas aspect.