IVF & Fertility Treatment

The History of IVF


The story of IVF in the US is one that marks the beginning in a long lineage of babies born through IVF and making their mark on this great nation.

Oocyte Efficiency


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – One of the hardest things to explain to patients is why human beings are such inefficient reproducers. It just seems logical that one follicle should produce one egg which ultimately makes one embryo and one healthy baby. But unfortunately this is not reality.

Pre-Implantation Genetic Screening for Abnormal Embryos


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – While the human body is very good at “screening” embryos – abnormal embryos will most often fail to implant and grow – new technology provides reproductive specialists further insight as to why an embryo doesn’t result in a healthy baby.

The Mathematics of Selecting an Infertility Center


By Sheldon B. Josephs, FACHE – If you are fortunate enough to live in an area where there is more than one infertility specialist or practice, you understand how confusing it can be to choose the physician or clinic best suited for you. Here is a mathematical analysis to help you understand your options.