IVF & Fertility Treatment

The (Big) Difference Between One & Two


By Dr. Evan Rosenbluth – Having recently moved to the Bay Area, I am often asked about the differences in protocols for treating infertility at other centers across the United States. Simply put, the most notable variation comes down to the decision between one and two – embryos, that is.

Donor Egg Bank Brings Double Success


By Dr. Mary Hinckley – She walked out of our office smiling, looking at her admiring husband with a bit of “we can handle this together”. She was glowing that glow you get from being pregnant and dreaming of the future.

Natural or Minimal Stimulation IVF compared to Standard IVF


By Dr. Louis Weckstein – Recently there has been much hype on the internet about Natural Cycle IVF or Minimal Stimulation IVF. These treatments are similar to standard IVF, but without the use of injectable medications (Natural Cycle IVF), or using a combination of oral and low dose injectable medication (Minimal Stimulation IVF).

Reproductive Technologies and the Risk of Birth Defects


By Dr Louis Weckstein – A recent article in the New England Journal of Medicine has drawn a lot of media attention. This review of an Australian birth defect registry from 1986 – 1992 reported an increased rate of birth defects in children born from reproductive technologies.

Donor Egg Bank USA


By Dr. Louis Weckstein – Until very recently the technology for freezing eggs was not well developed. In the past few years, the technique of vitrification, or rapid freezing of eggs, has improved success with frozen eggs.

Optimizing The Embryo Transfer


By Amy Simpson, Ultrasound Tech – You have diligently taken your injections, come to multiple ultrasound appointments, put up with numerous side effects from medications, undergone surgery to retrieve your eggs…



By Dr. Susan Willman – On a a hectic Saturday morning at the clinic, I had an unexpected surprise: a patient of mine had brought her baby to meet me.