Waiting For Your Pregnancy Test Results


Waiting for the results of a pregnancy test can be stressful. The nine to fourteen day wait can seem like forever. Here are some ideas to help you get through:


Hopefully, before starting treatment, you have established a self-care regimen. If you have not, start now. This may include exercise, journaling and Mind-Body practices such as massage, relaxation techniques, meditation or MSBR. Get out and enjoy nature. Continue your acupuncture sessions. Take some time each day to assess how you feel.

Practice Compassion and thoughtfulness.

Be kind to yourself. When negative thinking occurs, use it as an opportunity to turn to and choose positive, optimistic thoughts.


Explore your spirituality. One of the best definitions I have seen is the following from former Surgeon General C. Everett Koop: “The vital center of a person; that which is held sacred.” Ask – what is sacred about me and those I love?


  • In Yourself. Keep in mind who you are. Trust in the process and know that you are moving closer to your goal of a successful pregnancy. 
  • In the treatment. After your treatment is done, whether ovulation medications, IUI or embryo transfer, follow the directions that you been provided by your healthcare team. Sperm or embryos will not fall out with movement or activity.  
  • In Your Healthcare team. Remember, your healthcare team knows you and your situation. They have your best interests in mind and have formulated a care plan specific for you. Just like you, they want you to be successful.


Promote open, honest communication with your partner. Seek ways to best support one another during this time of waiting. Let each other know what you are feeling and need.

Choose whom you want to spend your time with.

Social support is important. Spend time with family or friends that will provide you comfort, nurturing and a positive environment. Avoid stressful situations and people that may be negative, insensitive or exhaust you.

If you have questions or concerns, call.

Your healthcare team is always available if you need them. If you have concerns or questions, give them a call.

Be cautious of the Internet.

Information is powerful. However, the Internet contains a wide variety of informational sources including web sites, blogs and chatrooms  Much of the information available may not be appropriate to your situation. In fact, often what is out in cyberspace may be incorrect or even misleading information. Someone else’s opinion in not necessarily fact or even correct.

The medications you are taking often give you the signs or symptoms of early pregnancy.

Women often experience breast tenderness, abdominal fullness or bloating and upset stomach/nausea and fatigue, especially if you are using a progesterone supplement. It is important to understand that even if you have these symptoms, you may not be pregnant. Try to not read too much into what you feel.

Vaginal bleeding or spotting does not mean you are not pregnant.

Many women have vaginal bleeding around the time of their expected period. If you experience spotting or even bleeding similar to a period, you may still have a normal pregnancy. Do not assume the worst.

Uterine or pelvic cramping is common.

In the days leading up to the pregnancy test, many women will experience uterine or pelvic cramping similar to the time before their period starts. Such cramping or discomfort is very common and does not mean your period will start. If you experience increasing pain or bloating, let you healthcare team know.

Take your pregnancy test when you are advised to.

If a home pregnancy test is done too early, you may in fact be pregnant but the test does not yet detect the HCG hormone. There are occasions where the home pregnancy test is negative, yet the blood pregnancy test is positive and you are pregnant. Home pregnancy tests sometimes show a false positive — you appear to be pregnant, but are actually not. The date you have been provided to obtain your pregnancy test will give you the most accurate information if you are pregnant.