Shocked to learn it was their best option, Genna & Tim put faith in IVF together

When Genna Forni-Kujawski & Tim Kujawski started trying to conceive in 2019, they were receiving positive ovulation tests, but weren’t getting pregnant and didn’t know why. Growing up in a huge Italian family, Genna always considered kids as an essential part of life and held a lifelong dream of motherhood. So they searched diligently for answers.
After Genna’s OB-GYN ran blood tests and performed ultrasounds, she discovered she had fibroid tumors and her hormone levels were off. Her OB-GYN told her that at the age of 37 she fell into the advanced maternal age category and referred the couple to Reproductive Science Center of the San Francisco Bay Area (RSC) for intrauterine insemination (IUI).
By the time they had their initial consult with Dr. Evan Rosenbluth at RSC, Genna had just turned 38. To Genna & Tim’s surprise, Dr. Rosenbluth suggested Genna would be a good candidate for in vitro fertilization (IVF).
“We were blown away at the thought of IVF,” says Genna.
For women over the age of 37, IUI isn’t always cost effective because it typically requires too many cycles. In her case, IVF offered a better chance at success, likely at less expense.
In the past, Genna’s aunt had to do IVF and happened to have her fertility treatments done at RSC resulting in twins. With the positive experience of Genna’s aunt, they decided to move forward.
On the road to parenthood at advanced maternal age – plus COVID
Going through IVF at the height of the pandemic left the couple often feeling removed from everyone except immediate family. One cycle was postponed almost six weeks because of a statewide shutdown. After at last undergoing egg retrieval, Genna and Tim were delighted to learn that despite a low quantity of eggs, the quality was good.
Following the egg retrieval and insemination cycles, four of the five resulting embryos made it to day five.
All four embryos underwent preimplantation genetic testing (PGT), where cells from each embryo are tested for abnormal chromosomes. Two were found to be abnormal, which could have resulted in a miscarriage. The other two were perfect, high-grade male embryos.
Shortly after implantation of one of the two high-grade embryos, Tim had a gut feeling that Genna had become pregnant. One day, while waiting for blood test results, Tim suggested they go for breakfast and then a walk at a nearby department store. Genna recalls being in tears the whole time from the stress of waiting.
In the department store, Genna’s cell phone rang. They were pregnant! Genna fell to her knees and began screaming for joy. In March 2021 the couple welcomed a baby boy, Casey Sumner.
Genna’s guidance for other infertility patients
For Genna, of critical importance for anyone undergoing treatment for infertility is a support system, whether that’s family, partner or friend. “It’s important to have someone who – even if they don’t understand what you’re going through – you can call and cry to.”
Most of all she encourages patients to have faith. The right attitude can go a long way.
In fact, Genna and Tim plan to see Dr. Rosenbluth to begin their frozen embryo transfer cycle. And if all goes well, they will welcome a brother or sister to Casey Sumner soon.

Breaking Barriers, Building Families
Since 1983, we have pioneered fertility treatment for every kind of family. We want to help you achieve your dream of having a baby.
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