San Ramon, Calif. (Sept. 23, 2013) – This week, a group of medical professionals will meet in the Chinese providence of Liaoning to share knowledge of cutting-edge advances in in vitro fertilization (IVF). Dr. Mary Hinckley, a fertility specialist at Reproductive Science Center of the Bay Area, will present at the first conference of the Society of the Reproductive Medicine of Liaoning Province.
Regarded as one of the more important industrial bases for China, the growing economy of Liaoning and the easing of federal regulations on fertility science have played major roles in the birth of new IVF clinics across the providence.
“It may seem that a country that has for decades tried to slow the growth of its population, would not be a very inviting place for an IVF conference,” says Dr. Hinckley. “This is an exciting time for fertility science in China. Everyone should have the right to start a family and I think this conference is a significant step toward that goal.”
She will be traveling with a group from the Christian Medical and Dental Society to create relationships with Chinese doctors and share knowledge to help patients.
At the symposium, Dr. Hinckley will deliver two talks: “Achieving the Highest Success: Optimizing patient care in a U.S. fertility clinic” and “Past, Present and Future of IVF in the U.S.: How did we get to elective egg freezing?”
An unrelated Chinese IVF clinic contingent will visit RSCBA this October.